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Design Brief

The Challenges of Relocation

Expatriates and newcomers have always accounted for
a large part of the American population. 2020 census data shows that 13.7% of immigrants and 24.8% of
non-immigrant expats for a total of 38.5% of the foreign population live in America. However, according to
Duke University, Professor Victor’s 2007 census data, the degree of social integration of newcomers and expats is generally low.

Problem Statement

For newcomers or expatriates in the United States, lives are often affected or hindered
by language limitations, unfamiliarity with the new environment or cultural differences.
More interactions with locals are of great help to adapting to the local life quickly.
I will explore effective ways to promote communication between locals and newcomers through graphic design.

Secondary Research

  You could live in a complete bubble,
  but you would be losing so much.

Expatriates the world over are often seen as existing in cosseted bubbles, living
and interacting only with those who share their nationality or language, but the reality,
like the nature of the expat world itself, is complicated and changing.

Discrimination is a prominent and
critically important matter in America.

The findings reveal widespread experiences of discrimination across many groups
in America, and the significantly different manifestations and experiences of discrimination across different groups.

Each of us has personal, social, and cultural identities.

Our social identities are the components of self that are derived from involvement in social groups with which we are interpersonally committed. Social identities are components of self that are derived from our involvement in social groups to which
we are interpersonally invested.


Target Users

Proposed Solution

First, the app wants to help newcomers quickly adapt to
local life. Then, it can also help expats who have here
lived for a while, step out of their comfort zone, and re-adapt
to local life. Last but not least are the locals who want to
meet new friends with different cultural backgrounds.

The ideal users for this app would be people above age 16 
(According to data, expats who have studied or immigrated
overthe age of 16 have basically formed their cultural
habits and values.The older users are, the harder they are
to change their culturalhabits and values.) who wish to
integrate into local life in America.

By developing an app that helps newcomers and expats 
integrate into local life effectively. Their questions can
be answered on time, they can make friends and participate
in activities through the app.

Competitive Audit



Meetup is a service used to organize online groups that host in-person
and virtual events for people with
similar interests. 



Expatica is an online news and information portal that specifically serves English-speaking expatriates and the international community. 


Like A Local

Like A Local Guide helps travelers find cool and cosy spots where locals like to spend their time. Tips are added by real locals who live and love their cities. 

Product Attributes Matrix

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