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24, SF, Editor, Chinese, Live in CA for half a year


Integrating into local life as soon as possible allows me
to get into work faster and get more job opportunities.
                                                        —Hardworking Person 


She wants to know the social norms and is curious about fresh things.


She wants to join local events to make more friends.


Due to the transfer of work, she needs to leave his hometown and work here alone for three years.


She just came to work in Silicon Valley and has no friends except new colleagues.


74, Berkeley, Retired, Filipino immigrated, Come to U.S. for 8 years


Why do you interview me? I'm just a grain of sand
in the desert.
                                                        —A Fish Out of Water 


She is lonely without friends here. Taking part in social activities can enrich her life and at the same time have a common language with her grandchildren.


She can live comfortably in her own life circle almost without speaking English.


Her granddaughters and grandson have fully integrated into the local circle, but due to their large cultural differences and poor communication, she wants to change her life in recent years.


17, LA, Student, Korean, Live in CA for 5 weeks


Everyone else laughed out loud in the class, but I don’t
get it. Why is it so funny?
                                                               —Youth Rebellion 


He wants to quickly improve his language. Many times his ideas cannot be expressed accurately and there will be a lot of misunderstandings.

​He wants to make more friends through common hobbies they have.


His parents do business here, so he has transferred from high school to continue his studies here.


He has just arrived here, and he is still uncomfortable with his current new life.


Research Method

Interviews are a fundamental research method for
direct contact with participants, to collect firsthand personal accounts of experience, opinions, attitudes,
and perceptions.

Interview Guide


When leaving one's familiar environment and cultural background to move to a foreign country, a new "home" can result in unease or loneliness for newcomers and expats. How do they integrate into local culture and pace of life in America is a problem that needs to be solved.

Overall Goal

To investigate the real thoughts and real needs of living like a local as the newcomers and expats.

Problem Question

How do newcomers and expats integrate into local life in America?


The interview will last 15 to 20 minutes and will
not include any personal or sensitive information. There is an online survey to collect the basic information and then I will be proposing questions through zoom to get some ideas and thoughts based on my topic.

Interview Navigation


Ask for permission to record

Thank you for setting time aside to talk with my project


Project introduction

Basic information collection

Hi, I'm Evelyn. I am a graphic design student at the Academy of Art University. I am conducting
this interview for my thesis project on how to integrate into local life as the foreigner.

· What's your name?

· Where are you from?

· How old are you?

· What's your gender?

· What's your job?

· How long have you been here?

· Why do you come here?

Main Questions


When you settle in a new place, how long do you think it takes to fully feel like a local? Why?

How do you think about living like a local?

What are the important things for living abroad?


Do you think you have integrated into the local life? Why?

What are your suggestions for living like a local?

Do you have some experience to share?

Do you want to reintegrate into local life? Why?



Thank you for your time

Any comments, concerns, feedback?

Interview Summaries



61, SF, Editor, Burmese American, Live in CA for 25 years

35, SF, Business owner, Fijians, Has come to U.S. for 20 years

A group of friends with the same passions can
sit together, and different cultural backgrounds can
enrich the content of the conversation and result
in unexpected sparks.

Get out of the comfort zone and throw yourself out there to
really blend in with the locals.

thinks it takes more than six years to feel like a local


is a local in Bay Area


a really great way is to get to know local friends and cultures based on people’s own interests


Comfort is one of the most important things


loves to live in such a diversified big city, because
there are different surprises and challenges happening every day


Dare to express one’s own ideas is one of the ways
of communication

thinks it takes more than ten years to feel like a local


thinks of himself as a local


feels that he is a local, because his values are about
the same as locals


Communication is one of the most important things


Only by constant practice can progress be made. Opportunities are for those who are prepared

Developing more areas you are interested can make more friends with same topics


Eric H

22, San Jose, Student, Chinese Immigrated, Live in CA for 10 years

25, Wenzhou, Software Engineer, Chinese, Has come to U.S. for 7 years

Although our family has immigrated here, I am not sure
if I can be called local.

Finding a lifestyle that suits you is the most important thing.

thinks it takes more than five years to feel like a local


can integrate well into local life


It is necessary to integrate in work and study, but
not to force it in life


Knowing cultural shock is one of the most
important things


Chatting with people with similar backgrounds will resonate and make her easier to make friends


It’s important to have a common topic

thinks it takes more than eleven years to feel like a local


can integrate well into local life


Mainly get along with friends of the same cultural background. Life and work is different


Language is one of the most important things


Cultural differences cannot be changed easily, and there is no need to deliberately adapt to things you are not used to

Cultural diversity is very important, which allows the Bay Area to provide many ideas and opportunities



21, Seoul, Student, Korean, Live in LA for 2 years

31, Qingdao, Product manager, Chinese immigrated, Has come to U.S. for 9 years

You need to figure out how to meet the local people

not only your classmates but also other people.

I think that’s the difficult part for an international

student to go with

Language is the most important thing for me, because you need to know what they talk about.

thinks it takes more than seven years to feel like a local


cannot integrate into local life


It is not necessary to live like a local


Common topics is one of the most important things


can learn about their life style but maybe she doesn't like it and she still want to keep her own life style


Sometimes, it depends on personalities, if you are very
outgoing and like to socialize, it will be easier

It takes more than fifteen years to fully feel like a local


can integrate well into local life


There are definitely many benefits to blend in local life as soon as possible. For example, you can know a lot of
hidden gems


Language is one of the most important things


Observing the social norms of locals will help a lot

Some social activities may help to integrate into local life,
such as church activities, etc.

Research Themes

How do people think about " Live Like a Local" ?

How do we define " Local" ?

What is multi-cultural communication?

Research Insights

The degree of acceptance and adaptation to the new culture and environment is related to the previous living environment and background. 

The degree to which people want to integrate into the new culture and reach out to the locals is staged.

Most people need a motivation to reach out to the new things , especially after living here for a while. 

If people have lived in a multicultural environment since they were young, they will quickly integrate into a new place. If they have been living in a single cultural environment and suddenly change their cultural environment, it will be more difficult to integrate.

Affinity Map

First Version—Based on the questions


Improved Version—Based on the same topic

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